Thursday, September 13, 2012

In The Pink

The secret's out!! In support of Lori McDaniel Anderson for all the hard work she does for the beading community, especially the Bead Soup Blog Hop party and Bead Soup Cafe, a group of 137 women (and maybe some men?) have put together a Facebook group called "In the Pink" We have kept this a secret from Lori and now it's time to reveal our "pink hair" As Lori has part of her own hair dyed pink, the tribute was to either dye your hair or add some hair extentions, pink feathers etc. As I did not have time to dye my hair, I set out to the dollar store to see what I could come up with. extentions were found in the kids section! (too tacky) No feathers to be found, so I ended up with hot pink curly ribbons. The worst part of all this was trying to take a decent picture of myself!
Thank you Lori for all the wonderful selfless things you do for the beading community!